Meditation - Source of Energy

Indre Stilhed

In the meditation “Source of Energy” you will learn a breathing technique that gradually allows the breath to lengthen and deepen. This activates a relaxation response in your nervous system. When you start to release tension in the body and mind, you gain access to your energy and to a clarity of mind.
Using a mantra further deepens the state and concentrates your mind

In practical terms, this means that doing the “Source of Energy” will help you to let go of things like sluggishness, anxiety, stress, negativity – it becomes easier to stay in a bright and clear mental state.
Importantly, this doesn’t involve a conscious effort on your part - just doing the meditation is enough.
If you take the time to sit for half an hour, you'll enter a deep state of calm - which will influence the rest of your day. You’ll find regular meditation will be a support in your daily life, it will affect how you respond and deal with both your outer circumstances and your inner life.

During the course you will also learn the deep relaxation Yoga Nidra and get guidance on how to use meditation and relaxation in everyday life.

Level: No prior knowledge is required for this course - everyone is welcome.

Læs mere om regler for Rabat og Nedsat betaling her.


Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
Købmagergade 65
1150 København K
Lokale 5

Praktisk information

Hold nr:
Første møde:
24.10.24 kl. 19:30
Sidste møde:
21.11.24 kl. 19:30


Fuld Pris
DKK 695,00
DKK 635,00
  • Torsdag 24.10.24 kl. 19:30 - 21:00

    Sted: Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
    Købmagergade 65

    Lokale: Lokale 5

  • Torsdag 31.10.24 kl. 19:30 - 21:00

    Sted: Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
    Købmagergade 65

    Lokale: Lokale 5

  • Torsdag 7.11.24 kl. 19:30 - 21:00

    Sted: Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
    Købmagergade 65

    Lokale: Lokale 5

  • Torsdag 14.11.24 kl. 19:30 - 21:00

    Sted: Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
    Købmagergade 65

    Lokale: Lokale 5

  • Torsdag 21.11.24 kl. 19:30 - 21:00

    Sted: Skandinavisk Yoga og Meditationsskole
    Købmagergade 65

    Lokale: Lokale 5

Gyanashakti Lærerfoto

Gyana Shakti